Immigration Evaluations

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Immigration Evaluations are available for current immigrants and their lawyers at Inner Light Counseling in Denver, Colorado.

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Inner Light Counseling, immigration evaluations, immigration evaluations denver, immigration evaluations near me, immigration counselor denver, immigration counseling denver, immigration counselor denver, denver immigration counselor, denver immigration counseling, immigration counselor lakewood, immigration evaluation lakewood, Rachel Webb

Immigration Evaluations

There are a number of ways Rachel can support you and your client and provide the correct evidence, paperwork or guidance needed to move forward, these immigration evaluations services are available.

Asylum Cases

  • Explaining psychological reasons why a client missed the one-year filing deadline; and detailing how PTSD symptoms provide evidence of the persecution they suffered.

Extreme Hardship Cases

  • Identifying unique factors contributing to a client’s psychological distress such as: illness; disability; professional, financial, or academic hardship; or adverse home-country conditions that would affect the petitioner or their family members.

VAWA Cases

  • Detailing the client’s psychological symptoms which are common for domestic violence victims; assessing credibility; and where useful, explaining less common phenomena such as ways in which men are abused by female partners.

“Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life.”

President John F. Kennedy

Immigration Evaluations FAQ & Pricing

Rachel Webb, LPC started Inner Light Counseling, LLC to support those who are struggling or in need.  

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Location: 2750 S. Wadsworth Blvd. D-201. Denver, CO 80227

Hours: Telehealth and In-Person Appointments Available. Open Monday-Friday, Sunday including some evening appointments. Available by appointment only.